I seriously thought Id done this book tag when I first started posting on Books Amino, but I guess I never actually posted it. I do remember answering the questions, but I did lose all my prewritten posts a couple times so that might be the reason. I was tagged by the wonderful Alys (you should go check out her blog) and now I have the perfect excuse to finally post my answers.
1. Have You Ever Re-Gifted a Book That You’ve Been Gifted?
Ive recently given a couple finished copies Ive received from publishers to family members since I already had review copies of them. Im pretty sure Ive also unhauled books Ive been given as gifts in the past by my family. I use to move around a lot so I didnt hang on to material things that werent absolutely necessary. Nowadays if I received a book from a friend I keep it. Ive become way more sentimental about books since joining the online book community and still own every single physical ARC I have received in the 3 years Ive been blogging.
2. Have You Ever Said You’ve Read a Book When You Haven’t?
Ive done it in school quite a few times. I also sometimes put books as read on Goodreads before I actually finish them. I only do it when Im close to end and need that extra push to finish it faster. Its a bad habit, but I figured no one really cares as long as I read the book or mark it as DNF in my review if I dont end up finishing it.
3. Have You Ever Borrowed a Book & Not Returned It?
Okay now you guys are finding out all my shameful bookish secrets. Theres a few books that never made it back to the library. All the moving just made it difficult to keep track of these things. I also have some books on my shelf my aunt lent me years ago, but she told me to just keep them since she wasnt going to read them again. Besides that I dont have any borrowed books and if I did Id return them.
4. Have You Ever Read a Series Out of Order?
I have done this by accident before I started using Goodreads, like with the Anita Blake series. Now I always look them up on the app before reading them. Theres is the Poison Study series where I skipped the second spin off trilogy following side characters and went straight to the last trilogy where we followed the main characters again. I probably would have read them in order, but I hadnt read any of the books yet and I was under a time crunch to review the last book in the third trilogy. Im very particular when it comes to doing things in order to the point where I want to read all the novellas in between each book so it did drive me crazy to skip it.
5. Have You Ever Spoiled a Book For Someone?
I spoil books for the non readers in my life all the time when I rave or rant about a certain character or scene, but Id never do it on purpose to someone who might pick up the book. I dont even talk about my predictions as much because it could spoil someone because they usually turn out right.
6. Have You Ever Doggy Eared a Book?
I have done it on occasion, but its rare because I like keeping my books looking nice. Im more likely to do it if Im reading an older book or a massmarket paperback, but I mostly read ebooks so the opportunity to dog ear a book doesnt present itself very often. I do love the idea of reading a book annoted and dog eared by someone else. If I reread book Id probably want to annotate so I could revisit my thoughts. At the moment I only really do it with ebooks so I can check back on some predictions or important pieces of information when I finish the book.
7. Have You Ever Told Someone You Don’t Own a Book When You Do?
I dont haul all my books at once, but divide them into smaller more manageable sections so maybe that would be considered telling people I dont have certain books when I do. I have mentionned dividing my hauls into smaller sections in many of my book hauls so Im not deliberately hiding books. 😆
8. Have You Ever Skipped a Chapter or a Section of a Book?
I rarely read acknowledgments and will sometimes skip the poems that are inbetween chapters or character lists. Besides that I read my books from start to finish.
9. Have You Ever Badmouthed a Book You Actually Liked?
I would never do that. Ill point out the good and the bad, but Ill never pretend to dislike a book. No one should be ashamed of what they like.
You've Been Tagged
I sometimes read the acknowledgment because there are some fun stuff included. Well, sometimes, lol. Thank you for doing this tag. 😊
ReplyDeleteI do sometimes if the story had important themes. I like seeing the authors thoughts on them.